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U.S. Constitution



Peanut Gallery

One who loves, supports, and defends one's country.
A patriot is not somebody that blindly follows the government of their country. You can love, support, and defend your country without loving, supporting, or defending your government. An American Patriot is a different kind of patriot. Such a patriot loves and supports their country by holding their government accountable and by making sure that it knows what it is doing in their name.

Have you read your United States Constitution lately?

If not, you should! It's not like it's some big thick book as it is only a half dozen pages or so. It is worth reading because it is THE document that proscribes what WE THE PEOPLE will allow our government to do for us. It also defines the limits of that government. Read it on-line at http://www.house.gov/Constitution/Constitution.html.

Today's Rant:

September 2, 2003

God in our Government

God in Our Government

In Alabama, their Supreme Court Justice, Judge Roy Moore placed a two-ton monument of the Ten Commandments in the rotunda of the state courthouse. He did this in the middle of the night two years ago and now he has been told by a Federal Judge to remove it. He refused and now his fellow associates on the state supreme court have kicked him off the bench. And rightly so.

Judge Moore and his supporters are claiming that the removal of the monument heralds removal of God from society. That our country’s laws were founded upon the Ten Commandments, and that this country was founded upon Christianity.

First of all, if their God is so powerful, how can the removal of one monument lead to their God being defeated? It can’t unless they really don’t believe in their God and the only way they can continue their faith is if the government reminds them of how powerful, their God is.

The fact of the matter is that our laws are based on many things like the Magna Carta, Greek Law, Roman law that stretch back more than two thousand years. Their basically saying that there would be no morality without the Ten Commandments and many other civilizations have had morality with no Ten Commandments. Besides that, only two of the commandments are codified in our laws and that is “Thou shalt not commit murder” and “Thou shat not steal.” All others have been completely left out such as we don’t have laws that require us to keep the Sabbath holy, or to respect our parents, or even to not make graven images of the lord.

The lie, because that is what it is, that our country is founded upon Christianity is no more than a propaganda trick that if they say it enough with enough motion then the rest of us will believe it. They also claim that the Constitution was founded upon Christian values. How can this be the case when Christianity has never promoted religious freedom. The only religious freedom that has been practiced by Christians over the centuries is for others to have the freedom to practice Christianity or be tortured and burned at the stake. The values of free speech, religious freedom, and democracy are very anti-christian concepts. You can’t have a democracy in church because the flock can’t elect from various gods. God is the dictator and the flock are his servants.

Our founding fathers recognized this, fought to keep god out of our government, and were successful. The people praying on the steps of the courthouse in Alabama are not there to preserve history, they are there to get their god in our government, but the Constitution says they can’t and that is why Judge Roy was told to remove the monument. Considering that the monument has been removed, if I were a Christian, I would be wondering why God allowed it to be moved.

This whole idea that a secular government or secularists in this country is dangerous is plain fallacy for our founding fathers were not Christians but deists that had great contempt for Christianity and other organized religions. All one has to do is read the many letter of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin to understand this and to understand that what they knew was that when government and god get involved, it means bad news for people of all creeds.

What these people seem to think is those not promoting god means promoting against god and that is just plain stupid. Our government, no matter who started it, Muslim, Jew or Christian, was established as a secular government so that the thing we all share, our laws, could apply equally to all and not favor one group over another. We should keep the government out of our religious and moral lives and allow it to do what it was supposed to do and that is defend the country, provide for commerce, and to provide a justice system that we all can depend on to be treated fairly. Judge Moore wants everyone that enters his courtroom to know that he is a God fearing Christian and if you are not, you are less of a citizen, in fact less of a human and thus deserve second-class treatment.

That is not what our founding fathers intended and would probably be saddened to see what the likes of Judge Roy and his supporters are trying to do. Trying to destroy the greatest human experiment in the history of mankind and that is a society were all are created equal and where the government is of, by, and for the people for the government gets its authority not from god but from us, the governed.

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Copyright 2003 Todd Schacherl -- All Rights Reserved