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U.S. Constitution



Peanut Gallery


  • May 24, 2003
  • Apr. 16, 2003
  • Mar. 17, 2003
  • Mar. 11, 2003
  • Mar. 3, 2003
  • Feb. 28, 2003

    May 24, 2003

    Why no Calls for Impeachment?

    It is now more than a month since the troops invaded and conquered Iraq yet we still seem to be losing soldiers on a weekly basis. To date there have been ZERO WMD's found. Not even a single shell let alone tons and tons of it. The one place we knew,and the former Iraqi regime admitted there were low level and some partially enriched uranium, we allow it to be looted, picked clean. Radioactive contaminates just dumped out of their containers so that the looters could use the containers for their own purposes. Then the Bush regime gives multi-billion dollar no-bid contracts to the companies they quit to steal this government or close friends and contributors to their campaign.

    My question is, WHY ARE THERE NO CALLS FOR IMPEACHMENT? We were lied to about WMD's and now it seems the polls indicate that the American public no longer cares. They have been spoon fed images of falling statues, hero warriors, rescues of damsels in distress, and our mighty warrior president in a flight suit landing in a jet on an aircraft carrier.

    The Democrats are afraid to speak up because they are afraid of the massive media machine that the Republicans have in place to drape them in French flags and to be labled unpatriotic. They fear that if they are so labled they will lose credibility. Well, guess what? They already have. We need someone that is willing to step up and call Mr. Bush what he is and that is an entitled frat boy that likes to play war with other peoples lives.

    We also need a media that is more driven to uphold their civic responsibility and to report the facts of what our government is doing in our name. They need to hold accountable a president that says "Al-Queda is on the run" then after fourteen bombs go off and dozens of people die, including Americans, he then says that they will know American Justice. What? Like Osama Bin Laden, or Mullah Omar, or even Saddam Hussein?

    The president of a country that is of, by, and for the people, should do as the people want and not what he feels some God has compelled him to do. We are heading down a very dangerous path that unless it is diverted we are destined to become a fundamentalist Christian theocracy that is of, by, and for the corporation. We need to now, more than ever, get off our fat asses, pick up a book, read it, learn about something, and make sure that we hold our leaders accountable. We also need to demand that the media that uses our airwaves such as radio and TV, serve our interests first and if they can make a profit while they are doing so, then more power to them. However, when they put the profits of their stockholders above the people that they have been entrusted to serve, then they do not deserve the use of our airwaves.

    This president has violated the public trust and deserves to be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. However, since Congress is in collusion with the president, that isn't going to happen. Therefore, we need to make sure that next November, 2004, we vote him out like some national impeachment vote.

    Wake up America! Do it before it's too late and we are left wondering about better times gone past.

    April 16, 2003

    Chickenhawks: "We were right!"

    Well the war is wrapping up. At least that is what the chickenhawks would have us believe. Every day more and more Iraqis are exercising their new found freedom and protesting the U.S. occupation of their country and they are now being killed for exercising those rights. Is this liberation? The right to be killed for expressing yourself?

    The constant drum beat by the right wing with all their snooty I told you so's that because the war was quick and the defeat sure, all the anti-war people had thus been discredited and the chickenhawks were all correct. I don't think there was anyone in the anti-war camp that thought the military portion of this conflict would end in any other way than a victory for the U.S. The problem has been all along what will happen AFTER the war has been "won". The fact that our guys are still dying in Iraq means that this war isn't over and it won't be until every last one of them home.

    The fact of the matter is, so far the only thing that this war has shown is that for the U.S., oil is the most precious resource in Iraq. They let hospitals be looted, that was not Saddam's fault, they allowed the looting a chaos to continue and called it a sign of freedom. Excuse me but when that happens in South Central Los Angeles people LOSE their freedom.

    If it's not about oil then why was the Oil Minstry building guarded while the National Archives burned to the ground and the Antiquities Museum was looted and destroyed? What is more important the oil or the history? History is unimportant to an occupying force because that is one of the things they will need to erase and that is the culture they are attempting to occupy and convert to democracy.

    We were told that WMD's in Iraq posed an imminent threat thus the need for a premtive strike and after several laughable early finds, to this date, not a single WMD has been found. Not even a few barrels or even a vile or two. What does this say about the argument of the chickenhawks? It says they will lie to send our troops to war, cut their health benefits and then scream that the anti-war protestors are anti-troop.

    Now they would have us believe that Iraq moved the WMD's (in the mobile labs maybe?) to Syria and are now doing to them what they did to Iraq. Saying that Syria is not on the list, while I'm sure they are all set to get ready to start justifying a military attack on Syria.

    Meanwhile, Osama, Mullah Omar, and now Saddam and sons are no where to be found. Mar. 17, 2003
    WAR! WAR! WAR!
    Mr. Bush finally gets his war. It was obvious since last summer that Mr. Bush wanted a war with Iraq and there is no getting in his way. As of 8PM EST Saddam has forty-eight hours to get out of Baghdad, or else!

    Now that Mr. Bush is sending our men and women to fight his war for him, he and his administration would like nothing else than for the rest of us to shut up. There is no mistake that anybody that speaks out against the war is anti-patriotic and un-American. They say "Support the Troops" so "Shut Up!"

    Well I have news for the true anti-patriots. Supporting our troops does not mean we should send them off to die in an unjust, immoral, illegal while standing by saying nothing. A true patriot makes sure that the troops are fighting for a just cause and are not dying in vain.

    A true patriot will support the troops by making sure that they fight a just war and a moral war but more importantly an American Patriot makes sure that the troops are in harms way not one second longer than is needed to complete the objective and makes sure that they get home alive and well.

  • March 11, 2003
    rippress.gif - 3832 Bytes It's now almost a week later since Mr. Bush was supposed to rally the support of the world in his first press conference in months. Mr. Bush's performance was like watching a crack head try to explain how buying crack was supporting Bin Laden. The pauses throughout were so pregnant that I'm sure the spin doctors were trying to induce labor.

    What was striking was the fact that the whole thing was completely scripted with approved questions from approved reporters and yet outside of the Washington Press Corps, that was mostly ignored. The softball questions were an insult to any free thinking American patriot. The so called "free press" complain that if they don't play nice they get the cold shoulder from the Bush occupation force. SO WHAT! You know what Press People, REPORT ON THAT! Isn't that a news story? The fact that anytime someone in the press tries holding Bush accountable they get cut off should be something that you are reporting. This is what the press is for. If all you are there to do is play nice and regurgitate propaganda then let me order a bunch U.S. Flag lapel pins (arm bands) for you.

    The press has proven itself to be nothing short of being the propaganda distribution corps and thoroughly failing in their duty to report to the American public by asking the tough questions and when they won't, to hold our "leaders" accountable.

    The New York Press has an interesting article on how the Washington Press Corps is failing in their duty.

    "Where the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe" Thomas Jefferson

    We need to retake our press and the Internet gives us a great opportunity. Sites such as this one and many more that seek to disseminate important information about our government and what they are doing are essential to maintaining an informed citizenry. We can write letters to the editor of our local papers and let them know that we are on to them and that if they don't start covering the news in an objective and agressive manner then we will stop buying their propaganda. It's one thing to be fed propaganda but it's quite another having to pay for it.

    Write your local news stations and the major news networks. Make sure that they know that there are enough of us out there that are not dumb as a stumps in a clear cut forest. If they don't follow through well, if you are reading this site, you are already probably well on your way to finding alternate news and information.

    An American Patriot Demands a Free Press thus helping to maintain a Free Country.

  • Mar. 3, 2003

    "We the People..." This is how our Constitution starts. It doesn't start with "From God..." or "Under god..." or anything else that has to do with god. The opening "We the People..." establishes that the Constitution is derived from you and me, the people of the United States, and gives no indication whatsoever that the Constitution was handed down by God which, of course it wasn't.

    So why are all these Christian fundies so upset that they are being denied their right to practice their religion by removing "under God" from the pledge? Because they don't want to be the only idiots that believe in an invisible old white guy that lives in the sky. If they can get others to say "under God" with them I guess it gives them a sense of power over those that don't believe in God or at least don't believe in their god.

    They constantly say that this country was founded on Christianity and I suppose they figure if they say it enough it will be true. It may very well be working simply by how many people now belive that it is the case. All one has to do is read the Constitution and the Federalist Papers and some of the letters written by the Founding Fathers to realize that this is not the case at all. The United States of America was founded by religious people but not to be a religious country. They felt that if the government were to stay completely neutral in regards to religion it would allow each and every citizen of the United States the freedom to practice or not practice the religion of their choice.

    They often claim that we don't have a right to freedom FROM religion thus implying that every United States citizen must choose some religion, and I'm sure they would prefer you choose some form of Christianity. Do they support all religions? Of course not, look at Waco, look at how Satanists and Pagans are treated, or mistreated I should say.

    You do not need to be religious to be a patriot. They are mutually exclusive. I would tend to believe that there are more religious people that are NOT patriots than are because anybody that would seek to impose their religious beliefs upon others does not understand the basic founding principles of this country and thus prove themselves to be the most un-patriotic citizens of the United States.

    February 28, 2003

    After Mr. George W. Bush was appointed President by the Supreme Court, he said he would be the president for all Americans and not just those that voted for him. Well, we didn't have to wait too long to find out that he was LYING. He is NOT my president nor is he the president for many others in this country. If you are black, atheist, or don't make more than $200k/yr. then he is not your president.

    Mr. Bush seems to think that if you are not Christian, you are not an American. If you question him or his policies, then you are un-American and a supporter of Saddam. The Propaganda Minister Ari even says that this isn't the time to question the president. After all, we are in a state of war. WHAT WAR? Congress has not declared war. When was the Constitution amended such that Congress does not need to declare war and that power now resides with the president and his cronies?

  • Copyright 2003 Todd Schacherl -- All Rights Reserved